To be a leading O&M provider in the Global market.

Integrated Maintenance Services Private Limited is a company incorporated in the year 2013 at Chennai, India. Its Core business is giving Operation & Maintenance of Plants including Cement, Power, Chemical, Mineral Processing plants etc. IMS also provides maintenance of conveyor systems,material handling equipment's and other heavy machines .

  • Vision

    To be a leading O&M provider in the Global market.

  • Mission

    To enhance uptime of process plants through provision of value added technical services

What We Do

Get Exceptional Services

Conveyor Belt Services

IMS provides the below conveyor belt services to ensure effective and uninterrupted flow of materials through different process

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Project Execution

We offer below services for conveyors of different configurations

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Overhauling of machines

All industries are using various types of heavy machines in their day to day manufacturing processes.

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Other Services

Installation and maintenance of wear liners...

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